
Duration Media Publisher Onboarding Instructions and Checklist
Version 1.3
Effective May 14, 2021



We are thrilled to have you join the Duration Media Premium Publisher Marketplace (the “Marketplace”). The following instructions will guide through the required steps we need to ensure you are set up successfully.

If at any time you have questions or are experiencing any problems please email us at ops@durationmedia.net and we will assist you.


Steps To Implement Duration Media

Here are the steps that require completion in order to launch as part of the Marketplace.



Google Authorization

Google is an important demand partner of Duration Media. In order for them to buy your inventory through the Marketplace, we need you to complete their authorization form

Once submitted please let us know at ops@durationmedia.net



Adding Duration to your main domain Ads.txt file alerts our demand partners that you have authorized us to sell the highly viewable placements we create on your websites. If we are not listed, demand partners will not bid for our inventory on your site

You should have received, in addition to these instructions, a file that contains the required text to be added to your ads.txt page. If you have not received this file please email us at ops@durationmedia.net


Duration Media Tag

The tag that we provide to you enables our technology to monitor reader time on page and how long ads are in view. We then are able to create our Extra Print inventory and auction it as part of the Marketplace

Please see the detailed instructions below


Sponsorship Blocking

This step is to ensure we protect direct demand or 100% share of voice sponsorships your team has sold to your clients

Please see the detailed instructions below


Privacy Compliance

This step relates to publishers whose audience is in the United Kingdom or European Union

Please see the detailed instructions below


Turn off ExistingRefresh

Please make sure to turn off any refresh settings you currently have active



Once steps 1-5 have been completed, we require you to set up a test page so that we can verify that everything is working properly

Please see the detailed instructions below

8Pre-LaunchRequest for information to QA

Please see the detailed instructions below


To help you keep track of your progress we include a checklist at the end of this document


Implementing the Duraton Media Tag

There are two options available to you to implement the Duration Media tag. The 1st is to use Google’s Tag Manager tool. If you are not using Google Tag Manager, you can add a single line item in Google Ad Manager and target the Duration Media tag to a dedicated 1×1 ad size. This will push our javascript to your page.

Option 1 – Using Google Tag Manager

Please follow these 7 steps to add Duration Media’s tag within your Tag Manager tool.

1. Open your Google Tag Manager Dashboard. On the dashboard page, click the “Add a New Tag” button, circled below in red.

2. Create a title name for your tag, and then click anywhere in the top “Tag Configuration” box, to choose a tag type.

3. There are dozens of tag types (they are not all displayed here, and you can also customize a tag type). Please select “Custom”.

4. Next, choose a trigger. A trigger states when you want the tag to record an action, such as “every time someone visits the page”. Choose “All Pages”

5. Click “Save”.

6. Next, click the blue “Submit” button. NOTE: Your tag will not work until you click Submit..

7. When you click “Submit”, you’ll be taken to this “Submission Configuration” page. Choose “Publish and Create Version” and then press the blue “Publish” button in the top right.

8. Finally, you’ll be shown the below “Container Version Description”. To keep your tags organized, add a name and description that will remind you the purpose of this tag.

9. Ensure your tag appears in your “Version Summary” report.

Congratulations. You have  successfully created your tag in Google Tag Manager.


Option 2 – Google Ad Manager

If you are not using Google Tag Manager, you can add a single line item in Google Ad Manager and target the Duration Media tag to a 1×1 ad size. This will push our javascript to your page.

Every publisher has their own process for implementing tags and creatives. As a result we do not provide specific instructions here. For more information on how to create line items, Google’s instructions are here

We suggest setting your tags at a price priority of $1.00.  

Please ensure that safe frames are not enabled at the creative level.

We are here to support your efforts. If you do have any questions we are happy to help and try to resolve them. Please email us at ops@durationmedia.net


Sponsorship Blocking

*if you have Teams enabled in your GAM instance, please assign all entities to the Duration account.

A key feature of Duration Media’s technology is to protect your direct sales efforts through our proprietary Sponsorship Blocking solution. This will ensure we do not refresh any items in your ad server that are set up as sponsorships. In order to do this you need to provide us with READ ONLY API access to your Google Ad Manager account.

  1. Go to your Google Ad Manager account
  1. Click Admin–> Global Settings –> Network Settings and ensure that API access is enabled 
  1. Click the “Add a Service Account User” button

  1. Fill in the form with the following information in the appropriate field
  1. Name: Duration Media
  2. Email: dm-29-557@dmedia-253910.iam.gserviceaccount.com
  3. Role: “Executive”. If you cannot use Executive please create and assign a new role and make sure to check “View all orders and line items”  
  4. Click on the “Save” button. A message should appear, confirming your addition of the service account.

Privacy Compliance

Duration Media participates in the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework and is subject to its policies. We require all of our publishers to adhere to the privacy requirements of the regions where their audiences are consuming their content.

In order to support TCF 2.0, please ensure that Duration Media is authorized in your CMP.

Duration Media – Vendor ID 674

In addition to Duration Media, please also ensure the following vendors are authorized in your CMP as they are major players in most publishers ad stacks:

Google Advertising Products – 755
Xandr, Inc. – 32
Sovrn Holdings Inc – 13
33Across – 58
GumGum, Inc. – 61
PubMatic, Inc. – 76
The Rubicon Project, Inc. – 52
Index Exchange, Inc. – 10
OpenX – 69
Smart Ad Server – 45
NoBid, Inc. – 816

Our privacy policy can be found here https://4gt.a44.myftpupload.com/services-privacy-policy/

Your ad operations team should be adept at setting this up. If there are any questions please reach out to us at ops@durationmedia.net

Setting up a Test Page

We require all of our partners to set up a test page so that we can ensure everything is working as expected. Please create a test page and send the URL to ops@durationemedia.net. We will verify that the account has been set up correctly.

Your ad operations team should be adept at setting this up. If there are any questions please reach out to us at ops@durationmedia.net


Once we have confirmed that test page is working as expected and are ready to launch, please provide the following to the Duration team:

  • Confirm that Sponsorship Blocking is set up per your requirements
  • Full or Partial Site Implementation. If “Partial” we need to have an understanding of where we have been implemented
  • Estimated Daily/Monthly Pageviews.  This allows us to ensure the Duration script is loading on all pages where we are implemented

This information will help us QA once the Duration Media tag is live.


Please use the following checklist to guide you and to verify that you have completed all of the required steps.

StepItemInstructionsDate Completed
1Google AuthorizationFill out the Google Authorization form to allow us to represent you in the market. 
2Ads.txtReview and update your Ads.txt page 
3Duration Media Tag SetupUse either Google Tag Manager or Google Ad Manager to deploy the Duration tag 
4Sponsorship BlockingProvide READ ONLY access to your Google Manager API so we can prohibit any refresh on sponsorship line items 
5Privacy ComplianceInclude Duration Media in the Information Storage and Access, Ad Selection Delivery and Reporting, and Measurement sections of your CMP 
6Turn off existing refreshPlease make sure to turn off any refresh settings that are currently active 
6Test PageSet up a test page so we can ensure everything is working as expected 
7Pre-launchProvide Duration Media with the requested volume and implementation information