Who You Are & Why Transact with Sequency™

You’re an advertiser who wants to reduce carbon emissions from your digital media display ad buys and not have to pay an “offset” Ad Tax. In addition, you want to drive more in-view time with your target audience, reduce your cpms, and deliver ads that are ALWAYS viewable with results that positively impact your KPIs and sales.

Duration Media’s Sequency™ ad product provides efficiency for advertisers with the opportunity to buy one ad and deliver up to 3 additional ads, delivered sequentially into the same ad unit while also drastically reducing Cookie Syncing and SSP, DSP and DMP calls, the biggest culprits of CO2 emission.

Learn More below.


Buy Green PMPs or PG Deals to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Sequency™ enables buyers to execute Green PMPs or PG deals directly with the publishers they want to buy, negotiating the ability to deliver up to 3 more ads into the ad unit they just bought, delivered sequentially into the same ad unit, to them same target, which drastically reduces Cookie Syncing, SSP, DSP and DMP calls, the biggest culprits of CO2 emission.


Set the Percentage of Pixels In-View and the Duration of the Time In-View

Buyers can set the specific amount of the pixels in-view and the duration of the time in-view, before the 2nd, 3rd or 4th ad is served to the same targeted user. As an example, 75% of the pixels and 15 seconds of in-view time before the ad currently in-view is refreshed with a new ad.


Three Use Cases of Ads Served to the Same User – Think A Pod of Commercials on TV

Buyers or their agency serve four different brand ads

Buyers or their agency serve sequential messages from the same brand advertiser

Buyers or their agency serve four ads from a multi-brand advertiser


Reduce CPMs and Increase Margins

As Sequency™ enables the ability to serve up to 4 ads into the same ad unit, buyers substantially reduce their effective cpms. As an example, let’s say the Sequency™ PMP is purchased for $4. After 4 ads are served the eCPM for each ad would be $1.



Sequency™ is a Profit Center – Not a Cost Center

No Ad Tax here. No need to buy costly offsets! Only carbon emission reduction!