Best Sustainable Ad Tech Platform
Duration Media is a leading global ad tech company with patented technology (US-11,195,120) and multiple supply and buy side applications all built to deliver reduced carbon, brand safe, highly viewable ad inventory.
This Case Study is for Sequency™, Duration Media’s decarbonization ad tech that reduces carbon emissions versus selling offsets. Although designed for media buyers, publishers use Sequency™ as well, to sell Green PMPs to their buyers or to meet agency RFP requirements to provide ad inventory that reduces carbon emissions.
Sequency™ Carbon Reduction Tool for Agencies & Brands
Sequency™ enables the buy side to purchase one display ad impression with the ability to serve up to three additional ads to a targeted consumer, without multiple and often redundant SSP/DSP/DMP bid requests, calls and additional cookie syncs for ads 2-4.
Sequency™ benefits all stakeholders in the programmatic buying chain by…
1. Reducing carbon emissions rather than relying on carbon offsets or ad taxes.
2. 80%+ average viewability for all sequenced ad impressions within pod.
3. Real operational and cost savings
Sequency™ Carbon Reduction Tool for Agencies/Brands Implementation Overview
Agency appends Duration Sequency™ script to any IAB standard sized ad unit and traffics to website and DSP of choice.
Campaigns with up to 3 additional creatives are trafficked to a PMP on the agency SSP of choice.
Duration Sequency™ calls all sequenced ads 2-4 based on viewable thresholds established by agency/brand.
Creative level reporting including impressions, clicks, viewability, pixels and time in-view provided.
Here is a power point presentation of how Sequency™ works and some Use Cases.
Please click on the link below to download and view.
Digiday Awards – Duration Media 2023